Founder Jane Fortune at Nelli Awards with past awardees
Honoring the Contributions of Modern-Day Women in the Arts. Advancing Women Artists supports an on-going awards program honoring women museum directors in Florence, women restorers, patronesses of the arts and contemporary artists for their outstanding contributions to the culture of Florence. These awards, recommended by previous awardees, give recognition to deserving women in the arts who enhance the fabric of the community. Our Nelli Award takes its name from the first known woman painter in Florence, Plautilla Nelli. It periodically recognizes noteworthy contributions of the city’s 30+ women museum directors in Florence. The Outstanding Conservator Award honors a local woman restorer. The Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici Award, named for the last Medici heiress, recognizes a patroness of the arts. The Simonetta Vespucci Award honors contemporary female Italian artists. Called "the unparalleled one", historians remember Simonetta Vespucci as one of the loveliest women of the Renaissance, the personification of Botticelli’s idea of ideal beauty. Have a look at our many deserving awardees here.
Maria Cristina Guidotti
2015 Nelli Awardee.
Donatella Mei
2012 Simonetta Vespucci Awardee.
Pina Ragionieri
2006 Nelli Awardee.
Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici
2005 Posthumous Award Recipient.
Beatrice Paolozzi Strozzi
2012 Nelli Awardee.
Dr. Monica Bietti
2010 Nelli Awardee.
Maria Vittoria Rimbotti
2006 Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici Awardee.
Magnolia Scudieri
2004 Nelli Awardee.
Simonetta Brandolini D’Adda
2012 Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici Awardee
Rossella Lari
2010 Outstanding Conservator Awardee.
Angela Caputi
2006 Simonetta Vespucci Awardee.
Marchesa Alessandra Marchi Pandolfini
2004 Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici Awardee.