Adriana Pincherle's portrait of Alberto Moravia, 1971
It's all in the family for colorist Adriana Pincherle. The artist's painterly style was particularly influenced by Renoir and Matisse, while studying in Paris in the early 1930s. With her husband, fellow Roman painter Onofrio Martinelli, she subsequently moved to Florence where she frequented the city’s cultural milieu, particularly the founding editors of the cutting-edge literary journal Solaria. Sixteen of her portraits now hang on public display at the reading room in Florence’s Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, once frequented by Mark Twain and D.H. Lawrence. Pincherle's portrait of her brother Alberto Moravia, one of Italy's top-selling novelists of all time, is one of the most celebrated pieces in Pincherle's Vieusseux series. Credited with authoring Europe’s first existential novel, Alberto Moravia was Adriana Pincherle’s brother. He admired her profession to the point of remarking: “I don’t know why I didn’t become a painter. I’ve always liked painting more than literature.” Restored by Rossella Lari in 2016.
Twelve Authors, Con Amore
Pincherle’s restored portraits tribute Avant guard authors in vibrant bursts of color.