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Lola Costa’s Il Palmerino, gifted to the Pitti Collection at the inauguration of ‘Private Mythologies’
A show in the Tuscan hills and a Pitti home-coming. Following the restoration project, Elisabeth Chaplin was paired with English artist Lola Costa for an exhibition in the Tuscan hills called ”Private Mythologies” at Villa Il Palmerino. The two painters who were contemporaries and neighbors made for interesting comparative viewing. During her lifetime Lola Costa had lived at the villa, which was once home to English writer Vernon Lee. It is now the headquarters of Il Palmerino Cultural Association, headed by Costa’s granddaughter Federica Parretti. The Chaplin-Costa show was curated by the then-director of the Uffizi’s Twentieth-century Collection, Giovanna Giusti and New York University’s Margherita Ciacci.
Read more about the exhibition catalog.