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Conservator Rossella Lari restores two portraits by Pincherle
Pincherle’s restored portraits tribute Avant guard authors in vibrant bursts of color. Pincherle had a connection with Florence since childhood, but transferred from Rome for good, after marrying painter Onofrio Martinelli in 1941. She would broaden the social circles she’d cultivated in Rome with her brother, the author Alberto Moravia, thanks to the new friendships she and her husband made while frequenting the literati and intellectuals who gathered at Florence’s “Caffè delle Giubbe Rosse.” Memories of these encounters are captured in the portrait collection Pincherle donated to the Vieusseux in 1977, which have since been permanently displayed in the Reading Room at the Contemporary Archive “A Bonsanti” in via Maggio. AWA restored of these colorful portraits that represent Italy’s primary authors from the 1920s to the 1960s.