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AWA’s leading lady in 2020 is Violante Ferroni, seventeenth-century artist (and model!) who worked alongside Vincenzo Meucci at San Giovanni di Dio. The historic atrium’s second large-scale oval, Saint John of God gives bread to the poor, is studio-bound this year, with transport set for March 2020. Conservators Marina Vincenti and Liz Wicks are making good progress on Ferroni’s first work, Saint John of God heals plague victims. Meanwhile, this spring, AWA awaits Giovanna Garzoni’s exhibition for Women’s Day at the Uffizi to continue its multi-year partnering with one of the world’s most beloved museums. Expect around-the-world events, with AWA in the air! Production of the documentary for public television featuring the restoration of Nelli’s Last Supper begins in 2020, stay tuned to see its premiere date in Italy and airing Stateside! Our Art Angel program is going strong this year, join us with your own wings, if you have yet set flight.
The Garzoni Challenge
A worldwide appeal bridges the gap between historic female artists and her counterparts of today