An upcoming generation of young women already working to correct gender inequality
'The gap... and the Gallery'
The Uffizi Galleries team up with AWA and WikiDonne for annual editing marathon
AWA teams up with the Uffizi Galleries and WikiDonne for an editing marathon on Wikipedia. A partnership celebrating its second edition, our intent is to bridge Wikipedia's gender gap. We seek to increase the number of articles on women artists found in the world's largest on-line encyclopedia or to enrich the content of pre-existing entries. AWA has been committed to organizing Wiki-edithons since 2014 and this year represents our fifth Florence-based event. Uffizi staffers, including museum guards and internal art historians, coupled with AWA facilitators and national Wiki technicians to craft, edit and upload entries in 'real time' in English, Italian and German.
The 'ladies of the hour' were the over seventy women artists whose paintings are present in the Uffizi self-portrait collection, started by Cardinal Leopoldo de' Medici, who sought works of female painters for his collection on the commonly-held premise that they were 'marvels of nature'. Part of a worldwide initiative known as 'Art and Feminism' which involves staging Wiki events in monumental libraries, universities and museums throughout the world, our Florence event took place at the Uffizi Library, an eighteenth-century hall located in the Uffizi proper that houses historic manuscripts and art history volumes and catalogs essential to understanding the assets of one of the world's most well-loved galleries.
The 'ladies of the hour' were the over seventy women artists whose paintings are present in the Uffizi self-portrait collection, started by Cardinal Leopoldo de' Medici, who sought works of female painters for his collection on the commonly-held premise that they were 'marvels of nature'. Part of a worldwide initiative known as 'Art and Feminism' which involves staging Wiki events in monumental libraries, universities and museums throughout the world, our Florence event took place at the Uffizi Library, an eighteenth-century hall located in the Uffizi proper that houses historic manuscripts and art history volumes and catalogs essential to understanding the assets of one of the world's most well-loved galleries.