A lecture on reclaiming the art-by-women legacy. With their reknowned annual prize, Club Amici delle Muse honors top cultural figures who have been inspired by mythological Muses. At 5pm on Tuesday, February 27, AWA has been invited by Club president Giuliana Plastino Fiumicelli to hold a lecture at Florence's historic Palazzo Borghese at via Ghibellina 110. Lecture title: 'Muses... and Makers. The restoration of art by women in Florence'. AWA Director Linda Falcone will address various issues including: "Why were early women artists both 'makers' and 'muses' in Italy? How is the restoration of their works changing the worldwide art scene today?" Admission to the event is free, in-advance sign-up required. To join us, please write to: jane.adams@advancingwomenartists.org