FSU students in Florence, fall term 2019 with AWA director and professor Maria Michela Mattei
FSU students rediscover ‘their roots’ with AWA and Violante Ferroni
In 1966, the Florence flood hit and the Arno’s muddy waters engulfed the unsuspecting city in 600,000 tons of muck and rubble. The students of Florida State University were already in town; 1966 was the program’s first year. They joined the relief effort in the center’s ravaged libraries and churches. That’s when a savvy journalist first coined the phrase ‘mud angels’. Fast forward fifty-two years. AWA’s ‘Art Angel’ program strikes a chord with Frank Nero and Lucia Cossari, respectively, FSU in Florence Director and Associate Director. Why not have a second generation of ‘mud angels’ (the students in the program today) team up with AWA to rediscover ‘their roots’ by supporting our restoration efforts? FSU’s Social Media and Marketing classes quickly got on board and, through workshop-style partnering, students are now working with AWA’s outreach program to earn ‘their wings’ in addition to launching their own fundraising efforts for our next ‘hopeful’ by selling program T-shirts. September 9, 2019, was the first workshop. What will their Art Angel efforts ultimately support? …our next project of course!