Jane Fortune honored by Florence Mayor Dario Nardella
A highlight for 2016
AWA’s founder Jane Fortune receives Florence’s highest honor. When founder Jane Fortune first discovered Renaissance artist Plautilla Nelli in 2006, she never could have imagined where this artist-muse would lead her. Forty-one paintings, drawings and sculptures have since been restored—and counting! In 2016, Florence’s Mayor Dario Nardella presented her with the city’s highest honor: the Golden Florin Award for her work with AWA. Hosted at the famed Palazzo Vecchio, the ceremony was part of the Global Mayor’s Forum called, ”Unity and Diversity” where 60 mayors from all over the globe met to discuss the preservation of natural and artistic heritage. ”We consider Mrs. Fortune, one of our citizens, one of us, a Florentine in every way, and I’d even go so far as to say, a great Florentine,” the mayor affirmed in his speech. All of us at AWA agree!