AWA on location at Franco Zeffirelli’s villa in Rome
A highlight for 2014
How does AWA’s mission fit that of Italy’s top movie ”maestro”? Meeting the famed director of Romeo and Juliet, Jesus of Nazareth and a Tea with Mussolini was a dream come true in 2014. Jane Fortune and Linda Falcone traipsed out to the maestro’s Roman villa while shooting the PBS television special When the World Answered, based on their book by the same name. To discover more about the 1966 flood in Florence and what it brought to the world of art and restoration, they spoke with the maestro about ”Per Firenze”, his heartbreaking documentary that inspired the world to salvage the 14,000 artworks damaged in the divulge. Zeffirelli’s interview provided a backdrop to the story of women artists who donated their paintings and sculptures to ”replace” all that had been lost in the tragedy. Our TV special premiered in Florence to a packed Odeon theater and the evening’s proceeds were gifted to AWA to support its mission.