An out-door treasure in Santa Croce’s cloister is a marble tribute from artist to poet. On upper loggia, you’ll find Fèlicie de Fauveau’s monument to seventeen-year-old Louise De Favreau, whose parents originally had the sculpture placed inside the basilica’s Medici Chapel. According to De Fauveau scholar Silvia Mascalchi, it was inspired by a poem the girl had written. Intricately carved motifs give this moving sculpture linear decorative qualities that recall the work of a master goldsmith. In the background, the artist included an elaborate base-relief of Florence. This maintenance project removed dirt, dust and accretions on the surface and within the pores of the marble. Specialized cleaning and protective treatments aim to restore the sculpture’s chromatic balance, improving aesthetic appeal. Conservators: Nike Restauro Opere d’Arte.
A monument's history
Inspired by Donatello and 'frightened' by the flood. The centuries that most influenced De Fauveau.
The women behind the monument… under restoration
Felicie de Fauveau was one of the first female sculptors to make a living from her art.