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A delicate detail of Morelli's breakfast scene
What do you need to know about Vittoria Morelli? "A native Florentine, Vittoria Morelli moved to Rome as a child. A painter and illustrator for children's books and advertising, Morelli maintained strong ties with her native city and she came bursting into fellow-painter Fillide Levasti's life with all the colorful verve that typified members of the Giornalino della Domenica. Morelli felt an affinity with Fillide's good-natured disposition. Portraits of Morelli, painted during her visits to "viale Miltonne", bear witness to their friendship, as do the hundreds of letters written from 1918 to 1931, in which Morelli keeps Levasti up to date on her life and the evolution of Roman exhibitions. In, Interior with Figures, her fondness for everyday lexicon is supported by a solid, well-executed painterly technique that provides an affectionate snapshot radiating warmth and capturing traditional custom."
Text adapted from Lucia Mannini's essay "'This doesn’t look like it was done by a woman'. Women artists in Florence in the interwar period"
Text adapted from Lucia Mannini's essay "'This doesn’t look like it was done by a woman'. Women artists in Florence in the interwar period"