Portrait of Tommaso Landolfi, 1967, Restored 2016
A close up view for an unsettling sitter. Tommaso Landolfi (1908-1979), one of the writers credited with developing literary surrealism, is best known internationally for his 1947 novel An Autumn Story. The novel, described as a Gothic tale set in the German occupation of Italy, is an unsettling story that has found high praise among other writers including Italo Calvino and critics but a small audience of readers. He went to University in Florence in the 1930s and lived in Rome for most of his life. He may have met Pincherle during his time in either city but she would certainly have known of his work and influence from the many artists and writers who visited the salon that she and her husband convened in their home. Painting location: Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux. Restored 2016.