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Amalia Ciardi Dupre, Maternity, 1965, Museo Novecento

Amalia Ciardi Dupre, Maternity, 1965, Museo Novecento

Amalia Ciardi Duprè's Maternity

This artwork was originally designed as a trophy! Amalia Ciardi Duprè's 'Maternity' represents a triumphant mother holding her child high in the air. It is currently in storage as part of Florence’s Novecento Collection and was put on public view during launch events of the ”When the World Answered” Project in 2014. Part of the ”Flood Lady Series” they were donated to Florence as part of a scholarship program that was a result of Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti’s efforts to amass Modern Art for Florence’s Civic Museums, after the 1966 flood. It represents one of Duprè’s well-loved themes. Several 'Flood Ladies', like Amalia Ciardi Duprè (whose sculptures we restored in 2014) were honored in When the World Answered: Florence, Women Artists and the 1966 Flood, the book by Jane Fortune and Linda Falcone that became the basis for a PBS documentary by the same name.