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Donna Malin

A vocation for helping women

In early 2017, Donna retired from Johnson & Johnson after a distinguished legal career spanning three decades. During her career, she not only demonstrated legal excellence but dedicated herself to mentoring others and fostering the professional and personal development of women. Helping others has always inspired Donna and enriched her life. She has a deep commitment to community service, particularly working with the homeless in NYC. Donna is currently the Vice Chair of Women in Need, Inc. (WIN), a not-for-profit organization which helps homeless women and children in NYC rebuild their lives and break the cycle of homelessness.

Donna fell in love with Florence during her first visit nearly 40 years ago and it is her dream to make Florence her “second home.” She feels that it is a privilege to be part of the AWA Board of Directors, as the mission of AWA combines her love of Florence and art with supporting women. She chose to “adopt” the figure of Jesus Christ in Nelli’s Last Supper as she felt such a strong bond with him. And he is at the center of the masterpiece! In Donna's spare time, she travels extensively including a recent safari in South Africa. She loves to learn about new cultures! She also spends time with her adorable 3-year-old nephew as well as savoring all that NYC has to offer.
Cay Fortune in 2015 with AWA Vice Chair, Bob Hesse