Home >> Art in Need >> Art hopefuls >> Maria Van Oosterwyck >> Restoring Oosterwychs Fruit Flowers And Insects
Oosterwych’s Fruit, Flowers and Insects
What should I know about this painting? Upon restoration, Oosterwych’s work will be on display in the Pitti Palace’s Royal Apartments, a palatial venue, bought and expanded by Grand Duchess Eleonora de Toledo in 1549, that hosts myriad still-life works by women artists including Giovanna Garzoni, Veronica Vitelli and Rachael Rusych. Though flower pictures like Oosterwych’s Fruit, Flowers and Insects may seem like a depiction of fresh blossoms, they were seldom conceived as a representation of reality. Oosterwych would draw scientifically accurate color sketches of plants, using illustrations in botanical publications or from nature during the year, and then compose bouquets of a variety of flowers from different seasons, even continents.