The Innocenti Museum
Opened in 1445, the Innocenti is the oldest public institution in Italy and Brandeis’ ‘heir‘. Twelve of her unpublished landscape paintings, all in need of restoration, were recently discovered at the Innocenti Museum in Florence, by museum curator Eleonora Mazzochi. The vast majority of Brandeis’ assets, including nine sketch books documenting her artistic technique, were bequeathed to the Innocenti Foundling Hospital (which is now a newly renovated museum). It is located in the center of Florence, in the famed piazza Santissima Annunziata. The institution sold most of Brandeis’ possessions at public auction the year of her death. Before dying, the artist wrote: “I don’t want my friends to have to accompany me in procession…I would like the Ospedalino degli Innocenti, my universal heir, to say a mass for my soul on each anniversary of my death.“