A celebratory evening in Florence
Are you wondering about the women who make AWA possible? We have the privilege of bringing together dynamic women who truly make the AWA dream a reality. AWA’s Board of Trustees is where it all begins. Their vision is AWA’s guiding force. Their commitment is what makes Advamcig Women Artists ‘healthy’ and viable year after year. The Board of Trustees holds fiduciary responsibility for the financial well-being of the organization. Simply said: all recognition and gratitude must go to these ladies whose profound support truly makes us who we are.
AWA's Board of Trustees:
Jane Fortune (1942 - 2018), Founder
Nancy Galliher, President
Nancy Hunt, Vice President
Alice Vogler, Secretary
Stuart Jacobs, Treasurer
Mary Clare Broadbent
Connie Clark
Cathryn R. Fortune
Pam Fortune
Margaret MacKinnon
Donna Malin